Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Colorado Burlesque Festival

Colorado Burlesque Festival

If you’re a member of the human species, then you like looking at naked ladies. Even those of us who consider a peep to be a sin would still generally admit that it’s a damn fun sin. The art motif in my apartment consists of naked ladies. (Mostly, naked ladies on bicycles…it’s a niche genre.) […]

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Nerd Nite

Nerd Nite

Welcome back to the Backstage series on science communication! If seeing the Science Riot show last week (which I assume you did!) got your nerd juices flowing and you just want more, you’re still in luck! Nerd Nite is the next Denver science communication specialty on offer. If you like science, trivia, esoterica of all […]

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Science Riot

Science Riot

This is my seventh year in Denver. In the Biblical tale of Creation, God took six days to build the world and then, seeing that it was good, on the seventh day He rested. Fitting, then, that this is my seventh year in Denver and I see that it is good, indeed. Yes, I may […]

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Jump Up on Stage

One of my idols is Julia Child. Brilliant cook and charismatic personality, of course she was. She was also tall and gawky and quite homely. She bloomed late in life, doing nothing of public note for the first fifty of her many years and not exploring romance until her mid-thirties. She stumbled onto the passion […]

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Notorious VAG

I, like everyone who is currently, or has ever been, an adolescent, am convinced that the world just doesn’t UNDERSTAND me. One of my main points of pique is that I am convinced that I have a reputation for being a rabid man-hater. The hurtful-truth part of this conviction is that it is not without […]

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Burlesque gloriously celebrates the art, the performance, and the subversion in the embrace of sexuality. It’s an opportunity for women to kick off some of the social expectations and oppressions that society at large has about female power, expression, and sex. It’s also huge fun. It’s exhilarating to create exactly the appearance and presentation that […]

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Sex and Pizza

I started writing this piece with the idea that I would talk about late-night, post-show eats in Denver. As I wrote, I realized that I was writing specifically about pizza by the slice. As I wrote even more, it became clear that I was really just venting about my sex life. It would seem that […]

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Write Club!

Our great literary lights are very often, shall we say, “lacking in superfluous vigor”? So many have been indoorsy, reclusive navel-gazers, with biceps as thin as their pencils and a severe tendency to dwell in their fevered imaginations. Nobody would mistake Charles Dickens for an outdoorsman or Herman Melville for a great party guest. Stephen […]

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Avourneen & Swallow Hill

Serendipity strikes when you least expect it. I haven’t talked much about my “muggle” job in these columns because it’s far less interesting than my “unicorn” life. I do laboratory diagnostics for an acute care hospital. It’s a critically important job, it’s more complicated than you might think, and it has the potential to be […]

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Rocky Mountain Puppet Slam

I confess that I do not care for computer-generated special effects.  Sure, they’re spectacular to look at (see: ninety percent of the last Star Wars). The tremendous skill required and technical execution are impressive.  They’re so good that you couldn’t even tell that they were there if it weren’t for the implausibility of the final […]

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