Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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The Colorado CBD story that changed America’s views on cannabis

If there’s one story that transformed American views toward medical cannabis and the plant in general, it’s that of young child epilepsy patient Charlotte Figi, whose life-threatening seizures are now successfully under control thanks to a specialized strain of cannabis that can be used to make CBD-rich, non-psychoactive cannabis oil. And it was in Colorado […]

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CannaFitness: CBD Benefits

Athletes train and fuel their bodies to operate at optimal levels in their sport. CBD is the non psychoactive compound found in cannabis. It is a non toxic, natural option that provides multiple mental and physical benefits. The recent announcement by the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) to remove CBD from the banned substance list […]

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You Canna Be a New You in 2018

As the New Year quickly approaches, so does the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and make resolutions for yourself in 2018! Setting and engaging in your goals for improvement throughout the year can have significant impacts on your personal growth and happiness. If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, or new to the plant, there are […]

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Hemp for the Holidays

With the holidays quickly approaching, I’m sure there are still those who have gifts to buy.  Giving the gift of hemp this holiday season is sure to excite any Cannabis lover and any environmentally or health conscious person!  If you’re already a hemp supporter like me, asking for gifts made from hemp could promote conversations […]

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Elevated Hiking

The Rocky Mountains are one of the things I love most about Colorado! Hiking the breath taking landscapes with endless trails filled with wildlife and breathing the fresh mountain air is an amazing way to connect with nature and refresh yourself! There’s something about being in nature and consuming Cannabis that really elevates the experience. […]

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What Are You Dankful for This Year?

This article may come at you a little late this year, being that Thanksgiving was last week, but it is never too late to be thankful, or dankful this season. I normally like to use this column as an outlet to bemoan about something that most people would bend over backward for. It can be […]

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The Cannabegrateful Yoga Challenge

I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving. With it being a time when we all reflect on what we’re thankful for, it feels fitting to give some thanks of my own, and to share about my recent experience in The Cannabegrateful Yoga Challange. This Instagram challenge, hosted by Greenlove Denver and Canna_Sam, started on November […]

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Chiefton Supply Co.

As an aging weed smoker, I cannot continue to wear clothes that have giant weed leaves on them. Like all fading trends, I need to retire my Wu Wear and Seedless clothing at some point for something that is a little more current. Plus, I am an adult; and as the weed industry matures so […]

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I am 1 of 65 Million Epilepsy Warriors Around the World

Did you know that November is Epilepsy Awareness Month?  November was declared National Epilepsy Awareness Month in 2003 to help end the stigma surrounding the condition and to generate education and understanding for those living with epilepsy. People all around the country get involved and show support for epilepsy awareness to help promote change for […]

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Cannabis Is Not A Partisan Issue

The hot topic up at the bud bar this week did not involve the most fire strain of weed, nor was it about the best new edible on the shelf. It was not about what state would be going legal next or what concentrate process created the most potent dab. It was about a Gallup […]

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