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Archive for January 2018

Elway’s Christmas List – A Stocking Full of Alex Smith

What if John Elway could fix his quarterback quandary by acquiring a veteran that threw for 26 TDs with only 5 picks, and over 4000 yards this season?  And what if this QB didn’t cost Denver its first-round pick (#5 overall) and was practically gift-wrapped to the Broncos from a division rival?  Sound crazy or […]

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The Ice Storm

Very recently, I learned two interesting facts. First, if you’re a figure skater, the triple axel is a fiendishly difficult jump to perform. If you’re profoundly ignorant about skating like me, you might not understand why it’s so damned hard. Let’s break it down for a moment and go over exactly how it’s done: First, […]

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Become a 420 Games Sponsored CannAthlete!

  I’m proud to say, in 2017, my wife and I became the first athletes to complete an entire 420 Games National Tour. Heather even took 3rd Place in Seattle, WA, 2nd Place in Portland, OR, and 1st Place in Denver, CO! She is officially the only person to take the podium at three 420 […]

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New Year, New Beer

I hope everyone had an excellent holiday season! I was in London, and seemed to have missed the Christmas snow and few days of sub-freezing temps, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I am a little jealous—there’s just nothing like our crisp, blue, Colorado winter days. (PS if you ever find yourself in […]

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Disaster in Ottawa Works in Avs Favor

The Matt Duchene trade is now in the rearview. Many do not realize however that there is still so much more going on with that trade than they may have previously thought. Lets take a look at that deal again from Ottawa’s perspective. Ottawa received Matt Duchene and gave up Shane Bowers (Their first round […]

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What Is Your Big WHY?

Every new year brings with it resolutions, goals, intentions – whatever you want to call it.  In short, we make plans for how to be better versions of ourselves.  I’d like to suggest that we think differently about the new year by considering our big WHY? Your big why is something you plug into emotionally […]

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The QB Decision – Scouting the Prospects

John Elway looked down on the field from the warm luxury box and witnessed the obvious. His selection of Paxton Lynch was officially a miss and the Broncos still need a quarterback.  In what appeared to be Lynch’s final audition while playing against the JV squad as Kansas City rested their starters, Lynch threw two […]

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