Must See Local Boulder Band Video: The Copper Children
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Read more about the artist here
Following the success of his drunk cat matchbox collaboration with Arna Miller, Ravi Zupa has released a new set of matchboxes, this time featuring canines. The 10 designs depict various dog breeds paired with subtly humorous text that celebrates the complex personalities of our closest friends and family. “These are the people in our lives […]
I don’t know about you, but I love a little metal in my weekend. A cold beer and some face melting guitar solos just make everything seem right with the world. When I see a big bearded dude with a gauged septum ring happily headbanging away in his natural environment, there’s only one word for […]
Ravi Zupa has released the third of five posters in the monthly series titled Marvelous Adventures. All characters for the series are pulled from Hindu mythology and showcase some of the oldest superheroes on Earth. The print, titled It’s Time To Pull Off The Impossible, features Hanuman, who represents self control, strength, stamina and devotion. […]
As winter fades away and the natural world begins to wake, Ravi Zupa has ushered in spring with the release of the fourth print in his Tattoo Gratitude series. “Every year around this time, there seems to be a lot of chaos and upheaval,” Zupa says. “Perhaps this is partly because of the change of […]
RAVI ZUPA RELEASES NEXT PRINT IN COMIC BOOKCOVER POSTER SERIES, MARVELOUS ADVENTURES Garuda Featured in Second Release Depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses as Comic Book Heroes Ravi Zupa has released the second of five posters in the monthly series titled “Marvelous Adventures.” All characters for the series are pulled from Hindu mythology and showcase […]
Continuing his exploration of spiritual and mythical characters from cultures across the world, Ravi Zupa has released the third print in his Tattoo series featuring Buraq from the Islamic tradition and a buddhist version of Mahakala. At the top, we see Mahakala—a fierce, chaotic form of Shiva (husband of Kali) who plays a significant role […]