Monday - September 16th, 2024

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ComedySportz – Nov. 8th, 2018

I really just wish that they weren’t Red versus Blue, since this column will be released on what is arguably the nation’s most contentious midterm election day in history (go vote, everyone!). On the other hand, I hate that the two-party political system has radicalized emotional responses to something as benign as primary colors. What […]

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Denver Improv Festival

Backstage: Denver Improv Festival

‘Tis the season! For ghosts and ghouls and turkey dinners and a depressing-exhilarating amount of gifts to be given and received. It’s inflatable witches and kandy korn and all sorts of treats and festivities for all of us, no matter how secular or religious we may be. Spoiler alert: I’m not actually a huge fan […]

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Rising Appalachia – Local Boulder Folk Music Event

According to a Freudian worldview, your Ego is the bossypants part of your psyche who’s always super worried with appearances and logic and avoiding risks. The Id is the wild child who wants illogical, contradictory, glorious gratification of desires. Denver is where I live out my Ego, and Boulder is where my Id wants to […]

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HUMP! – A Local Adult Film Festival

I do a lot of weird things in my life and I sometimes forget just how weird they are. For example, I was recently backstage at a cabaret show and my facial expression betrayed my pensive mind as I thought about a personal problem. “What’s up, sweetie? Why the long face?” I looked up to […]

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Denver 48-Hour Film Project

Denver 48-Hour Film Project

“The noble Brutus hath told you Caesar was ambitious. If it were so, it was a grievous fault. And grievously hath Caesar answered it” I occasionally break up the monotony of my paralyzing self-doubt by going on a rampage of unfounded confidence that I possess the skills to fulfill my delirious ambition. Such was my […]

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Denver Science Cafe

Denver Science Cafe

I’m sure that all of you, my faithful readers, have been eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series “Denver Has a Smokin’ Hot Creative Science Communication Scene.” Your wait has ended! Today is the day we talk about Denver Science Cafe! To be clear, there isn’t, actually, a small restaurant called the Denver Science […]

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Thrift Stores

Thrift Stores

When I was young and innocent and aspirational, I saw myself as having the thighs of Suzanne Somers and the intellect of Jane Goodall, with all of the virtues of Mother Teresa to garnish the image. As I’ve grown older and the rough cuticles of life have scratched away the sheen on my ideologies, I […]

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Corner Ramen

Corner Ramen    

Writer’s block. The struggle is real. My problem this week was deciding which of several cool things to write about. While struggling with this decision, I took a walk and found myself confronted with my favorite restaurant in Denver. When tempted, I usually succumb, and so I went inside and treated myself to some dinner […]

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Bird Call

Curtis Park Deli & Bird Call

This is a Tale of Two Sandwiches; they were the best of sandwiches, not the worst of sandwiches. While I spend most of my time in this column talking about the cool things to do in Denver after the Rockies swallow the sun, today I’m going to deviate a tad from discussing venues’ sweaty greenrooms […]

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