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Monthly Archives: March 2019


Higher, Further, Faster

March 10th, 2019

Representation matters. It’s just as important to see some facsimile of yourself at age seven as it is at age 77. It’s a way of shaping your identity, a way of telling the world that you matter. Done right, representation can show you a higher path and provide you with a way to be better. As a kid, my morals were shaped more powerfully and acutely by comics than they ever were by church.* Spider-Man taught me doing the right thing can suck. It can be lonely and painful, but it’s no less the right thing to do. Superman taught me that consideration for others makes the world not only a better... Read More

Cannabis Committee Clearing the Air for Consumers

March 9th, 2019

With cannabis legalization rapidly spreading across the world, the selection of products available are growing quickly. The numbers of consumers and products are growing, and deciding which products to consume with the desired effects and proper dosage can be overwhelming! Consumers now have a tool available to help clear the air of confusion. Cannabis can be complicated, but the Proper Cannabis Committee, a group of passionate experts, has been working to rate and review cannabis products for the past year! The Committee removes biases by testing product samples without any branding or packaging.... Read More

Three Tips for Starting Conversations That Aren’t “Hey”

March 9th, 2019

Online dating.  There are no words for how frustrating it can be sometimes. For years I have seen so many dead end messages, going nowhere because they are so tired, so boring. Frankly, I no longer start conversations with men who lead with a pithy opener. These openers include, but are not limited to, ‘hey’, ‘hi’, ‘how’s it going?’ and the dreaded, ‘how are you?’  Allow me to set the record straight: these words alone are NOT conversation starters. Please stop treating them as such. Starting a conversation involves asking questions, but not just yes or no questions; rather,... Read More


March 9th, 2019

Processus is a gallery/studio located in the heart of RiNo. Since 2014, they’ve been providing a co-working space for printmaking, photography, woodworking, sculpting, and digital arts. Founders and resident artists Christopher Perez and Viviane Le Courtois sought to build a place where people could come to learn, experiment, and create. It’s part studio, part classroom, and part gallery. They offer a wide range of classes and all the tools and studio space needed for whatever you’re working on. A community studio is a huge advantage to up-and-coming artists. Instead of renting... Read More

Ragin’ Like a Cajun at BURLY Brewing

March 8th, 2019

Twist. Pull. Peel. Suck. No, this isn’t lyrics to the new Cardi B song or the opening lines of a romance novel. This is, however, how you go about eating a crawfish. Originating in Louisiana, crawfish are a natural southern staple, boiled to perfection and enjoyed on various types of occasions. Having lived in the south, I was a bit embarrassed to admit that I had yet to take part in a true crawfish boil experience. Living in Denver has made me realize that most westerners aren’t familiar with this New Orleans based tradition of boiled “mudbugs”. Each year, as the summer months approach... Read More

The Denver Nuggets – Remember Our Name

March 8th, 2019

Nikola Jokic is finally getting noticed.  A max contract, the first Nugget named to the all-star team since Carmelo Anthony, his team is in first place in the Northwest Division, fighting with Golden State for the top seed in the West, and he even has a cool nickname.  The Joker. A perfect take-off on his name: silly, clever, and like Batman’s nemesis, capable of taking over. But what about the other players?  With a record of 42-20, these guys should be household names, but they’re not.  While the lack of recognition could be due to time zones, market size, or Denver’s depth and rotations,... Read More

Laying the Foundation

March 8th, 2019

If you grew up in the 90’s and have never played out even a single moment of your life to Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” lyrics, I’m going to question the inner workings of your childhood. It was (or is) a rite of passage, and aside from starring in every one of my basketball warm-up mix tapes from the year it was released in 2002 until I graduated college in 2006, I can still hear the words playing in my ears through a variety of noteworthy life experiences. Spoiler alert. I’m from Basalt, Colorado. Not to be confused with 8 Mile. But, here, while cruising up Kensho chair in Breckenridge... Read More

Stroke: Not A Senior Citizen’s Health Issue

March 7th, 2019

This week a 90s heartthrob died of a massive stroke. Luke Perry was a relatively young 52 when he suffered a massive stroke. While that seems quite young, ten percent of strokes happen in adults younger than 45.  The causes are many, but the prevalence of diabetes and obesity are largely to blame as well as smoking or, more rarely, an injury that damages a blood vessel in the brain. A stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or bursts. When this happens, the impacted part of the brain starts to die, leading to common symptoms such as numbness or difficulty with speech.  A... Read More

Maybe Not So Much With the New Friend

March 3rd, 2019

Big film genres stick around. As long as movies are a device for long-form storytelling, we’ll always have earnest dramas, goofy comedies, and movies where a guy walks away from an explosion without looking at it. But smaller sub-genres come and go, and we seem to be entering a resurgence of the Yuppies in Peril film. If it’s been a minute since you’ve seen one of these flicks; no worries—I’m here to help. Originally, Yuppies in Peril movies focused on a young, white, and affluent person, couple or family being psychologically and physically assaulted. For example, disc jockey Clint Eastwood... Read More

CBD Water–Fad or Fitness?

March 2nd, 2019

CBD has quickly become more mainstream, and with good reason. There are several positive research studies indicating CBD’s medicinal benefits for numerous health conditions. It has already been proven to work as a powerful anti-inflammatory medication without the harmful side of effects of common anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen. This is one reason several athletes are advocating for its use to help with injuries and even day to day inflammation from training or competition. With CBD spreading so fast across news headlines, several companies have capitalized on the craze and are offering... Read More