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Posts Tagged With ‘ nerd ’


Woodlands & Wyverns

July 30th, 2019

It’s never too late to enter the Dungeon!!! I’ve never done any role-playing games before, since my mother had warned me that it was a portal to demonic possession (long story—buy me a beer to hear the whole thing), but 2019 is the year to try something new, demons be damned. Mark Zuckerberg, a true nerd who I’m sure played his fair share of chaotic-neutral characters, recently suggested that I might enjoy a dip into the LARP end of the pool. Why not? I clicked the link and dove into the wild world of Woodlands & Wyverns, a partly-improvised, audience-guided, scripted theater piece... Read More

Nerd Nite

June 19th, 2018
Nerd Nite

Welcome back to the Backstage series on science communication! If seeing the Science Riot show last week (which I assume you did!) got your nerd juices flowing and you just want more, you’re still in luck! Nerd Nite is the next Denver science communication specialty on offer. If you like science, trivia, esoterica of all sorts, Nerd Nite is for you. If you like all of the preceding items AND have trained your liver to tolerate large quantities of alcohol, Nerd Nite is so very definitely for you. Nerd Nite is not endemic to Denver—in fact, it started in Seattle and spread here like a virus,... Read More

Science Riot

June 5th, 2018
Science Riot

This is my seventh year in Denver. In the Biblical tale of Creation, God took six days to build the world and then, seeing that it was good, on the seventh day He rested. Fitting, then, that this is my seventh year in Denver and I see that it is good, indeed. Yes, I may have just compared myself to the Almighty. Contemplating the Rockies makes one feel a bit divine, especially if one is currently at altitude and may or may not have taken a hit off one’s buddy’s recreational spliff, which is itself a Denver religious experience. After seven years, what would I say gives this rowdy, ethereal,... Read More