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Posts Tagged With ‘ #Cannabis ’


Cannabis Strains & Athletic Gains

June 3rd, 2017

Sour Diesel. Blue Dream. Granddaddy Purple. OG Kush. Gorilla Glue. The list of strains available on the market is seemingly endless, and grows longer every day as growers cross breeds to create new ones. The selection of strains differs at each dispensary, but the problem remains the same, you still have to figure out which one to buy. With so many choices, this can be overwhelming, even for a veteran consumer like myself. That’s why we’re going to look at what strains we can pair with certain activities to get the most out of them. Whether you’re Training with Cannabis on your own, or taking... Read More

Spoiler Alert, Marijuana Makes Money!

May 30th, 2017

On any average day, I would say I see more out-of-state visitors than Colorado ones. So, for the sake of this blog, I began asking customers their thoughts on how long they think it will be until they see any kind of a legalization within their own states. The response I got from most people was, “my state will be the last to legalize weed”. These are grown men and women telling me they have no hope for their state, meanwhile, everyone in line behind them is also from their home state. Why choose to be so dire about the possibilities of legalization back home, regardless of your state’s... Read More

Confessions of A Movie-Loving Budtender

May 23rd, 2017

The weather got a little nasty again this week. The lovely spring that we had been enjoying took a break so that winter could make one last appearance, hopefully. I got used to the early warm weather, and my days spent mountain biking, hiking, and gardening reverted back to sitting inside and watching it snow some more. I know Colorado gets odd weather but a two- foot storm in late May is lame. However, as the saying goes, “we have two seasons in Colorado, winter and July” am I right? So, if we must be indoors, why not spend that time being entertained and watching some good flicks? My first... Read More

Cannabis Is Not Alcohol

May 16th, 2017

As the budtender, I get in a lot of conversations about why cannabis should be legal. One common argument made is that cannabis should be legal because alcohol is legal. To start with, marijuana should not be legal just because another thing is legal. Marijuana, oops I mean cannabis, should be legal because it is a benefit for humans. We all understand why this argument gets made though, alcohol and cannabis are both substances that get you a little impaired and can affect your judgment. In our society, they are two of our social norms for changing the mindset and relaxing, but they are very different... Read More

Chews Wisely

May 2nd, 2017

Forgive me weedfather, for I got really baked this week. It has been seven days since my last cannabis confession and since then I have smoked an ounce of weed, dabbed more than a few times, and have been sampling edibles like a tourist for the first time. I have been looking to rid myself of the my post-420 hangover. I realize it has been almost two weeks since April 20th but the annual holiday put a hurting on me and I have been out of it ever since. It is like I am stuck in a hazy fog and I cannot shake it off. I feel like so much time and energy was spent building up to that specific day that... Read More

Will Work for Weed and Benefits!

April 30th, 2017

A little over a year ago, I left a job as a corporate sales trainer for one of the country’s largest wireless carriers. There were a lot of reasons I left, but one of the biggest was that I was tired of working for corporate America. I wanted to work for a smaller company. I wanted to contribute more to a small organization who would value my work and talents, not just count me among one of their many drones. More specifically, I thought it would be cool to take my experience as a corporate professional and try to land a job in the cannabis industry. Now I wish I could write about how I’ve... Read More

The Shield vs. MMJ

April 29th, 2017

As 2017’s NFL Draft closes this evening, let’s take a look at the league’s policy regarding players’ cannabis consumption. Yesterday, Commissioner Goodell – welcomed by steady boos throughout the draft, every year (sparked, perhaps, by resentment toward his ~$35 Million salary, and his catering billionaire owners over player welfare and safety) – made a public statement on marijuana use, consistent with his previous rhetoric on the issue. Goodell basically maintains that the league will remain consistent with current medical research, and continue exploring potential... Read More

What Is Your Favorite Strain?

April 25th, 2017

I am going to be honest with you, I really like weed. It smells nice, it tastes good, and its effects are enjoyable too. It is so lovely when you are not expecting it and you get hit with the aroma of cannabis.  When I walk into work in the mornings all I can smell are the grow facilities. The HVAC fans must kick on around the time I arrive because my walk into work from the parking lot every morning is a feast for my senses. I also love the way weed tastes, every strain has such a unique flavor. All cannabis is my favorite, I may prefer this strain over that strain but if you ever catch me saying... Read More

4/20 is the New Black (Friday)

April 23rd, 2017

We are now in the third year of legal recreational marijuana in the state of Colorado.  That means, this last Thursday, April 20th, better known as 4/20 (aka 420, 4:20) by potheads the world over, celebrated the third year of this special “holiday” in the state that started the legalization party.   The day is celebrated a variety of ways.   There are massive outdoor parties to mark the occasion (you all probably heard of reported headaches experienced at this year’s downtown event).   Gear is freely given out to help promote the day and their brands by local cannabis companies.  ... Read More

Happy Holidaze

April 18th, 2017

Well, it is that time of year again. It has been on everyone’s minds for the last few weeks. Nobody is sure what to expect but they all know it will be good. Ski season has ended, summer is on the horizon, and our annual April event is about to kick off. Vin Diesel and his buddies are back at it with another installment in the Fast and the Furious film franchise. Hahaha just kidding. Happy 420 everyone! I must say though, the correlation between the rise in April 20th celebrations and the comeback of Vin Diesel is an interesting connection that should not go unnoticed. If you work in the weed... Read More