Friday - July 26th, 2024

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Calming the Inner Storm: A 20-Minute Meditation for Reduced Stress

I was already up the mountain when it hit. Out of nowhere, it came rushing in—dark, gray, ominous clouds. At first, I was hopeful that it would all blow over quickly so that I might enjoy my rendezvous longer. It was noon, and based on my earlier report, the storm wouldn’t approach until 3 pm. […]

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Colorado Yoga Teacher Spotlight: Meet Brett Mehlman

It’s 6 a.m., and slivers of sunlight peep through the large, elongated windows of Brett Mehlman’s Denver-based studio apartment, greeting him as he begins his morning. A fresh glass of water is the first thing on his mind, followed by a guided meditation. As a busy yoga instructor, an established morning ritual is key for […]

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Get Your Yoga On: 6 Budgeting Tips For An Aspen Yoga-Nature Staycation

  I firmly believe that nature is medicine. There is nothing more rejuvenating than unplugging from the world for a few hours, sifting through trees and allowing silence to be your personal tour guide. What is now commonly referred to as forest bathing, the act of immersing yourself in nature while simultaneously being present to […]

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Get Better Sleep With Restorative Yoga: A Simple 3-Step Routine

The weather is cooler, and the days are getting shorter which means that melatonin will kick in earlier. However, if you’re a busy, multitasking individual with an overactive mind (likely most of us), getting adequate sleep at a decent hour can seem like a difficult, near-impossible endeavor. This is where restorative yoga comes into play. […]

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Yoga For Snowboarding: 6 Poses To Prep You For Winter Riding

  It’s almost that time of year. Tiny hints of autumn are already in the air. With cooler weather on its way, so is the (hopeful) promise of a strong snow season. I say this with great enthusiasm;  I’m a snowboarder. Winter sports are my favorite, and nothing complements my yoga practice more than strapping […]

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ARISE: A Transformative Colorado Festival of Yoga and Music

Community and healing: those are the words that come to mind when partaking in your first yoga-music festival. For anybody that’s been to ARISE before, they’ll likely know what I’m talking about. Nestled between the rolling green foothills of Loveland, Colorado is Sunrise Ranch—an ideal location for an event such as this. Whether you come […]

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Once again summer has come. The season of tan lines, patios, dog parks and feature hikes. The bicycle shops are stocked up on spandex and everyone and their mother is training for a 5k (I believe in you and you’re killing it). A-Basin has once more closed for the season, so the parking lot volleyball […]

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Each one of us is fully capable of accomplishing anything, and more importantly, everything we put our mind to. We have desires, dreams, and ambitions for our time here. Accomplishing them is no easy task, but we are aptly suited for our challenge. We truly have limitless potential residing inside. It’s lying dormant, desperately waiting […]

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I am 1 of 65 Million Epilepsy Warriors Around the World

Did you know that November is Epilepsy Awareness Month?  November was declared National Epilepsy Awareness Month in 2003 to help end the stigma surrounding the condition and to generate education and understanding for those living with epilepsy. People all around the country get involved and show support for epilepsy awareness to help promote change for […]

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Legendary Leader

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the world premier of the documentary exploring marijuana’s use and evolution as a plant and industry, “The Legend of 420”. The film was produced and directed by Emmy and Academy Award-nominated, Peter Spirer, with Rugged Entertainment and XLRator Media. The premier in Denver, now the hub for […]

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