Friday - July 26th, 2024

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What Are You Dankful for This Year?

This article may come at you a little late this year, being that Thanksgiving was last week, but it is never too late to be thankful, or dankful this season. I normally like to use this column as an outlet to bemoan about something that most people would bend over backward for. It can be […]

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Chiefton Supply Co.

As an aging weed smoker, I cannot continue to wear clothes that have giant weed leaves on them. Like all fading trends, I need to retire my Wu Wear and Seedless clothing at some point for something that is a little more current. Plus, I am an adult; and as the weed industry matures so […]

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The Media’s Credibility Is Going Up In Smoke

The way a media outlet frames a story is essential and can influence our understanding of it. Their version of a story can affect public opinion or generate awareness in a community. Historically they have been the ones to deliver the facts, less so when the topic of cannabis comes up though. By now we […]

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Confession Of A Budtender

This week I was criticized by a reader for not offering a true “confession” like the title of this blog suggests. Alright I have a reader! The thing is though, there is not much to expose about being a budtender. There are no secrets that need uncovering, no whistleblowing that needs doing, and no oppressive […]

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OK Colorado, Time to Relax on the Packaging Laws

Until recently Colorado’s little experiment has been overseen by a group charged with coordinating efforts to implement regulation for Colorado’s recreational and medical marijuana industries. This was a group of lawmakers and medical professionals made up to aid in the roll out of legalization. The group was recently disbanded by the governor, so it can […]

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Summer Buds

With the abundance of new cannabis strains flooding the market every harvest, how is one supposed to choose? Weed is expensive and when you are looking at more variety than Rob Lowe had in the 80’s it is easy to feel overwhelmed that you may choose the wrong one, but seriously though, you will never […]

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Spoiler Alert, Marijuana Makes Money!

On any average day, I would say I see more out-of-state visitors than Colorado ones. So, for the sake of this blog, I began asking customers their thoughts on how long they think it will be until they see any kind of a legalization within their own states. The response I got from most people […]

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Confessions of A Movie-Loving Budtender

The weather got a little nasty again this week. The lovely spring that we had been enjoying took a break so that winter could make one last appearance, hopefully. I got used to the early warm weather, and my days spent mountain biking, hiking, and gardening reverted back to sitting inside and watching it snow […]

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Cannabis Is Not Alcohol

As the budtender, I get in a lot of conversations about why cannabis should be legal. One common argument made is that cannabis should be legal because alcohol is legal. To start with, marijuana should not be legal just because another thing is legal. Marijuana, oops I mean cannabis, should be legal because it is […]

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Chews Wisely

Forgive me weedfather, for I got really baked this week. It has been seven days since my last cannabis confession and since then I have smoked an ounce of weed, dabbed more than a few times, and have been sampling edibles like a tourist for the first time. I have been looking to rid myself […]

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