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Monthly Archives: April 2018


The Evolution of the Active Lifestyle

April 5th, 2018

As a young adult, I taught multiple fitness classes and played recreational soccer.  At that time in my life that much physical activity was not only desired, it was a great way to expend my abundant energy.  As I’ve aged, I’ve noticed shifts in my physical activity levels and preferences. You may have noticed that, as you age, your interests have shifted as well. Changes in your activity level and interests are normal. As we age, there are some activities that become more difficult or risky.  For example, if you were a wrestler in your youth, you are not likely able to tolerate the physical... Read More

Happy National Poetry Month!

April 5th, 2018

Poetry is so much more than a pastime; poetry is a necessary force–one of immense capability, a valuable emotional resource and vital political tool in this world. National Poetry Month is not just for poets and avid poet readers, but for all to recognize the beauty and importance of this art. Here are a few things you need to know to celebrate this month in all its glory: Celebrate at Mercury Cafe on April 14th! The biggest show in town celebrating the month’s festivities will culminate at, the legendary Mercury Cafe during the Colorado Poetry Rodeo (also known as the Podeo). This will... Read More

Write Club!

April 3rd, 2018

Our great literary lights are very often, shall we say, “lacking in superfluous vigor”? So many have been indoorsy, reclusive navel-gazers, with biceps as thin as their pencils and a severe tendency to dwell in their fevered imaginations. Nobody would mistake Charles Dickens for an outdoorsman or Herman Melville for a great party guest. Stephen King doesn’t prompt ideation about feats of strength.  Of course, until I have written, published, and achieved universal renown as the author of the Great American Novel, I really can’t throw many stones at any other writer.  But I do hold... Read More

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start

April 1st, 2018

On its face, nostalgia isn’t always a bad thing. It can be comforting, the dwelling on people, events, and things in the past, a mental bubble bath that we can slip into with a content smile. Some researchers even believe in the powerful psychological benefits of nostalgia. Hell, the foundation of the Trump campaign and presidency is based in the belief of a better* America of decades ago. Nostalgia has some nasty traps, too. The obvious one is that bygone eras are only great if you happen to be a straight, white guy. For literally everyone else, it sucks pretty hard. Worse yet is that nostalgia... Read More