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Write your first Blog

Here are the steps to write your first blog.

First you will have to upload the pictures that you want to have on your blog and set as its featured image. Go to the left side of our wordpress page, where the tool kits are. Go down to “Media” and move your cursor over it. Go right and move your cursor to the newly popped up options, click “Add New”. In the middle of the new page, click on “Select files”, find the pictures you want to upload to our site and upload them! (PS: Don’t forget to read our image size policy if you haven’t read them.)

Next, you will write your blog and publish it. Go to the left side of our wordpress page, where the tool kits are. Go down to “Posts” and move your cursor over it. Go right and move your cursor to the newly popped up options, click “Add New”. This will take you to a new page, First type in the blog’s name in the white, wide box on the top of the page. Next, write or paste your blog on the big, blank space underneath title. You can “Add Media” from our uploaded pictures anytime you want. After you finish writing your blog, go to “Categories”, which is on the right hand side of the page, find the category for your blog and check its box. Don’t forget to add some relevant tags to your blog under “Tags”. Tags help Google find audience for us who might be interested in your contents. At last, go under “Tags” to “Featured Image”, click on “Set featured image” and pick the image you want to show up along side your blog on our homepage. Finally, simply click on “Publish” and we are done! Congratulations, you have created your first blog.

Erwin Yu Director of IT Management

Erwin is raised and grown locally in Boulder. Born to be an adventurer, Erwin joined the Boy Scouts of America at the age of 12, conquered the frozen icebergs of Alaska and the narrow canyons of Utah, finally achieving the rank of Eagle Scout three days before his eighteenth birthday. Now a fourth year student double majoring in Economics and Philosophy at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Erwin is still excited to experience the wonders of life both physically and spiritually. Erwin is interested to pursue a career in digital marketing and HR after his graduation in December, hoping one day to change the world for the better with the knowledge he obtained through his experiences. With a passion to learn, Erwin obtained “Inbound Marketing” certificate from HubSpot Academy, as well as learned computer languages like R, HTML, Javascript on his own. During his off time, you can bet Erwin will be reading his favorite philosophy books like “The Works of Aristotle” at Alley Cat cafe or grabbing an ice cold beer with friends at the Mayor of Old Town in Fort Collins.

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