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The Changing Personality of Denver

Change in Denver is on the Horizon

Denver is an ever changing patchwork puzzle, and I love it!

Neighborhoods are quickly morphing from older established communities to areas where younger hipster millennial types are moving in to purchase run-down properties and fix them up. With what result? Older historic homes owned by 3rd generation original families are nestled right in there between three-story modern triplexes with organic, Colorado-forward exteriors and a rooftop terrace. Case in point, the Balistreri Winery, a European oasis for organically made wine and gourmet dishes in Denver, buried smack waist-deep in industrial territory. Down the road might be a buzzing business hub district for young professionals…it’s just that crazy! You can see some examples of these properties during the annual Modern Architecture & Design Society home tours. I participated in this event last year and hosted a tour through my own home to hundreds of architects, design professionals, and real estate agents. The tour is open to anyone with a ticket and the organization is great to work with. As a home owner, it is a real opportunity to network and show off your design work showcase the craftsman from your project. As a ticketholder the tour offers a unique glimpse into the different styles of new homes and renovations taking place right now in Denver. Readers, use coupon code ONDENVER2018 good for $5 off any Tour ticket with Modern Architecture + Design Society!

This is a story of change. During my first year in Denver our neighborhood name changed from Prospect Park to Union Station North, and it will probably change again. Long-time residents get confused keeping up with the new district names that pop up. This change happens very fast. If you don’t keep up, you’ll get swept away.  Leave town for a few weeks and you will hardly recognize your neighborhood when you return. Our entire cityscape is completely different from just one year ago. At one point I counted 11 construction cranes within view outside my window.



Denver’s Diverse Flavor

With redevelopment, the real heart and soul of Denver is at risk to change, but my heart’s hope is that it won’t be too much or too fast. I love the diversity here and it was the most pleasant surprise to me, coming from a predominantly white demographic area of rural New York State!  Federal Boulevard, a strip of foodie heaven and one of the best stretches in the country for ethnic holes-in-the-walls is a vast buffet of:

  • Vietnamese
  • Mexican
  • Ethiopian
  • Thai
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Indian
  • Dim Sum
  • …and that’s just the short list.

Here, you can slurp some of the best Pho outside of Vietnam at Pho 95!

The Changing Personality of Denver

It is a breath of fresh air to be around people who are not exactly the same as me, people whose ideals might be different than mine, whose food is interesting, and who give a strong backbone to the community. I crave being around people like this…they push me out of my comfort zone and into new experiences…they make me a better human being and neighbor. I’ve become a more well-rounded person, more understanding, more tolerant, and I think THAT is what Denver does to you. It changes you…gets under your skin. I appreciate the grittiness and saltiness of this city. It’s doesn’t seem “too” squeaky-clean…too Disney-fied like some other places. It doesn’t apologize. I like the way it makes me feel just a little bit uncomfortable, and I think that is why living in Denver has made me grow personally.

For more on this topic visit my personal blog post: Diversity

Heather is a creative writing wizard, travel guru, Elite Yelper, personal blogger, and Spartan Sprint race finisher!  After living most of her life in rural New York State, Heather quit her career and moved cross-country to Denver looking for a new and urban lifestyle.  Although, she has traveled to over 20 foreign countries, she had never before lived in a city and her last home was outside a Hamlet with only one traffic light.  Heather now exists as a well-adapted LODO Denverite who considers herself an area expert.  Moving can spin you around and spit you out, but Heather's journey proves the joy of waking up with a new city as your playground and opening up a box of discovery every day.  She has overcome setbacks, dealt with being an out-of-towner and urbanized into an individual who can easily maneuver living in Denver with thoughtfulness and skill.

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