Friday - July 26th, 2024

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Survey Suggests Athletes Use Cannabis for Pain

The Athlete PEACE Survey studying cannabis and athletes has been completed, and the results have just been published! The survey, titled The Cannabis use in active athletes: Behaviors related to subjective effects, was conducted and published by Joanna Zeiger, PhD, who is also a World Champion and Olympic Triathlete. Last summer I had the opportunity […]

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5 Reasons to Choose Organic Cannabis

As an athlete and personal trainer, my mission is health for people and our planet. Cannabis is used as a medicine for many people, including myself, and as a safer alternative to harmful opioids and anti-inflammation drugs. There are so many reasons why increasing numbers of people and companies are choosing organic cannabis options, and […]

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Making Strides in Federal Cannabis Lawsuit

Earlier this week, the Federal Appeals Court reinstated the complaint and declined to dismiss the Federal Cannabis Lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by several cannabis patients and advocates challenging the federal scheduling of cannabis. According to a comment by their legal representation Michael Hiller, “This case represents the first time in history that a lawsuit […]

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Army Vet Uses CBD and Stands Against Poachers

I recently had the honor of speaking with Kinessa Johnson. Kinessa is a United States Army Veteran and uses CBD for athletics and recovery. She’s also using her military skills to save wildlife from poachers in Africa. She grew up in Anacoco, Louisiana and joined the Army. “I loved serving, I loved the people that […]

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woman on treadmill

Can I Use Cannabis Before Working Out?

Since cannabis is legal for recreational use in ten states and counting, one of the most common question that comes up is “Can I use cannabis before working out?” The answer is yes. More and more athletes are coming out of the green closet to discuss their cannabis use and how it affects their athletic […]

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Treating ITBS with Cannabis

How to Treat ITBS with Cannabis: 5 Things You Need to Know!

If you’re thinking about becoming active, there are a few things to consider to avoid injuries. If you’re already living an active lifestyle, you don’t want an injury to slow you down. However, many athletes who participate in activities where the knee is bent repeatedly experience a common injury. Most commonly called the overuse injury, […]

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Strides in CannaFitness

If you didn’t already know, I’m a cannabis athlete. What does that mean? I am a trail runner, based in Colorado. I use cannabis for epilepsy and my overall health and wellness. Using cannabis before and after physical exercise is extremely beneficial. When I consume before a workout, I’m able to complete the exercise with […]

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The Healing Touch

I’ve always loved getting massages, but didn’t really understand all of the benefits it can provide. Similarly, when I first consumed cannabis I wasn’t aware of the effects it could positively make for my overall health and wellness. For someone like me who loves massages and cannabis, I jumped on the opportunity to try a […]

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Cannabis for Seniors

With the legalization of cannabis across more states and the stigma surrounding the plant and its users shifting, so has the demographic of people benefiting from the plant. According to the CDC, Americans aged 55-64 who use marijuana regularly has risen by 455%. Those aged 65 and older has risen by 333% from 2002-2014. Why […]

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Where Can I Get a Cannabis Massage in Colorado?

Cindy Sovine and her team recently submitted their application to open Utopia, which will be the nation’s first full service cannabis spa. It will be a safe space for cannabis infused yoga and massages. They also plan to carry hemp products for health and beauty, as well as offering meditation, and acupuncture services. I attended […]

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