Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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5 Reasons to Choose Organic Cannabis

As an athlete and personal trainer, my mission is health for people and our planet. Cannabis is used as a medicine for many people, including myself, and as a safer alternative to harmful opioids and anti-inflammation drugs. There are so many reasons why increasing numbers of people and companies are choosing organic cannabis options, and […]

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Making Strides in Federal Cannabis Lawsuit

Earlier this week, the Federal Appeals Court reinstated the complaint and declined to dismiss the Federal Cannabis Lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by several cannabis patients and advocates challenging the federal scheduling of cannabis. According to a comment by their legal representation Michael Hiller, “This case represents the first time in history that a lawsuit […]

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Epilepsy Awareness Month

Epilepsy Awareness Month

As many of you know, I have epilepsy.  Last month I celebrated being 18 months seizure free! I started having grand mal seizures when I was a teenager. I had several tests, but the doctors could not find out what was causing them. The medical professionals told me I could have multiple seizures every day […]

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I am 1 of 65 Million Epilepsy Warriors Around the World

Did you know that November is Epilepsy Awareness Month?  November was declared National Epilepsy Awareness Month in 2003 to help end the stigma surrounding the condition and to generate education and understanding for those living with epilepsy. People all around the country get involved and show support for epilepsy awareness to help promote change for […]

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