Saturday - February 15th, 2025

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Leslie Jorgensen

Leslie Jorgensen is a visual artist from Salida, CO. Her paintings are inspired by her adventures hiking, skiing, and biking around the state. She captures the natural beauty of the outdoors with her vibrant color pallets and breathtaking landscapes. Perhaps her work will inspire you to do some exploring of your own. Jorgesen has been featured in many publications, including Colorado Homes and Lifestyles Magazine and on the cover of Colorado Central.

She’s taking part in an upcoming group exhibition at the Curtis Center in Greenwood Village. The show is titled MTNS, and includes twelve exceptional Colorado artists. The opening reception is Saturday, January 11th, from 6-8 pm.

In the meantime, you can see more of her work at

Jared Herzing Creative Arts Editor

Jared is a local content contributor and aspiring author. He was fortunate enough to grow up in Golden, Colorado and graduated from MSU Denver. While an insatiable love of travel lures him all over the world, his roots remain firmly planted here. He enjoys writing short stories, poetry, children's books, societal observations, and everything else. A nature enthusiast and sunshine connoisseur, Jared is perfectly at home on any mountaintop or patio. He frequents art galleries and concerts, poetry readings and breweries, museums and bookstores. When he isn't making neighbors cringe at his musical attempts he can be found on a snowboard or sailboat, depending on the day. A perpetual adventurer and eternal patron of the road less traveled.

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