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Navigating the Information Superhighway of Health

September 28th, 2016

There is so much information online and elsewhere about fitness, health, and nutrition, it’s sometimes hard to know what to believe.  When you think about how news outlets report the news – with the most sensational tidbit as the headline – you really have to read the article, and sometimes the study from which the article was written, to know all the facts. Here are some tips for getting the best information about your health and well-being. Check your sources.  Find resources that are scientifically based AND that are willing to consider new research when making health recommendations. ... Read More

Good Health off the Rack…The Spice Rack

August 30th, 2016

Eighty percent of all people use plants as medicine to treat everything from digestive distress and fever to muscle pain and asthma, according to the World Health Organization. Did you know that eating spices like garlic, ginger or paprika can reduce the number of free radicals in your body? Free radicals are organic molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and possibly some diseases. These molecules are very unstable and look to bond with other molecules, destroying their health and further continuing the damaging process. Antioxidants, found in many spices and herbs, are molecules that... Read More

What’s Better for Weight Loss – Diet or Exercise?

August 4th, 2016

  “Eat less, move more” is a mantra I’ve heard and advice I’ve given many times over the years.  While both calorie intake and physical activity are important factors in weight loss, which one is more important? Physiologically speaking, weight loss and gain revolve around the concept of calories in, calories out. In a nutshell, we lose weight when we eat fewer calories than we expend. Conversely, we gain weight when we eat more calories than we expend. Many of us have been advised to add physical activity to our weight loss plan to increase our calorie burn and improve... Read More

Hiking Can Take You to the Summit of Well-Being

July 28th, 2016

We in Colorado may hike more than anyone else in the U.S., but did you know there is science behind the benefits of hiking beyond the cardiovascular?   Research shows that exercising outdoors is beneficial on many levels.  For example, outdoor air might be cleaner than indoor air. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that indoor air is more than twice as polluted as outdoor air. Not only is hiking a great cardiovascular activity, it also strengthens your hips and legs and provides great core and stability training. In addition to the physical benefits, you can also get vitamin D while... Read More

Forget About Fitness Apps, You Need Pokémon Go!

July 19th, 2016

If you haven’t heard about Pokémon Go, you may have been hiding under a rock.  Although just released here earlier this month, Pokémon is already famous – or infamous- for the chaos it is causing.  Complaints about disturbing the sanctity of memorials and cemeteries and other bad behavior have been reported just about two weeks after Pokémon Go made its U.S. debut.  My local park looks like some version of a zombie apocalypse, with teens and young adults walking, standing, sitting and even riding bikes and skateboards, staring intently at their phones. In spite of my introduction,... Read More

Is Your Smartphone a Pain in the Neck?

June 30th, 2016

Fifty-eight percent of American adults own smartphones. If you spend more than two hours a day hunched over your phone, you might succumb to “tech neck”.  Tech neck is a condition that occurs when you spend too much time with your head tilted forward to read texts or other content on your smartphone.  At a15 degree angle, your head puts about 27 pounds of pressure on your neck and spine. Patients with mobile technology-induced head, neck and back pain may face other issues besides pain like reduced lung capacity, headaches and neurological issues, depression and heart disease. While... Read More

Reduce Inflammation By Igniting Your Passion for Healthy Eating

June 29th, 2016

The word inflammation is derived from a Latin word meaning “to kindle” or “to ignite”.  Inflammation is part of your immune system,  the body’s attempt at self-protection, and is designed to remove harmful stimuli and begin the healing process.  There are two kinds of inflammation, acute and chronic.  Acute inflammation starts rapidly and quickly becomes severe, and includes symptoms such as pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function.  Injury, irritation such as a sore throat, surgery, and even exercise, are examples of acute inflammation. Without inflammation,... Read More

Unplug From Bad News

June 15th, 2016

This week we’ve had a number of horrific news stories including the mass shooting in Orlando, the murder of a finalist on the Voice by a fan, and a child dragged away by an alligator.  Because stories of tragedy are available to us 24 hours a day, compounded by the fact that we seem to have mass shootings in the U.S. on a monthly basis, we are regularly exposed to stories that can have a negative impact on our emotional well-being.  If all of this bad news is causing you any distress – including sadness, anxiety, sleep disturbance – it might be time to disconnect from the media,... Read More

Still Skipping Breakfast?

June 9th, 2016

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance. Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast can give you: A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals Improved concentration and performance in the classroom or the boardroom More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity Lower cholesterol In general, breakfast eaters are leaner, more energetic and have a better memory than non-breakfast... Read More

Have Your Day in the Sun…It’s Good for You!

February 25th, 2016

The latest estimates suggest that nearly half the world’s population suffers from vitamin D deficiency. This is bad news since vitamin D  deficiency has been associated with a host of serious conditions: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis and depression, as well as  brittle bones and the common cold. Currently, vitamin D is being investigated to determine the role it plays in insulin resistance, high blood pressure and immune function. Recent neurological research discovered that when compared with subjects with normal levels of vitamin D, individuals with... Read More