Sunday - September 8th, 2024

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Health & Wellbeing

Living Well During the Holidays

During the holidays, advice about coping with the mountains of food available to us abounds. The most common advice about eating includes tips designed to help you eat less, but really just take away from the joy of the holiday season. So, I’m not going to tell you to have a snack before you go […]

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Well-being Delivered

This fall I started receiving a subscription to a meal kit service – a weekly delivery of the ingredients and recipes to prepare meals for the week.  My thought at the time is that I would enjoy having my meals planned for me, complete with ingredients, but still have the pleasure of cooking for myself.  […]

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At Night I Can’t Sleep, In the Morning I Can’t Wake Up

Do you get enough sleep?  Most Americans don’t because we have trouble “turning off” our brains.  Sleep is critical for not only recharging your mental and physical batteries, but also healing and even controlling our appetites. How much sleep do adults need? The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours for adults. Because each individual has […]

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Something is Always Better Than Nothing

We live in an “all or nothing” society.  You are either an exerciser or you aren’t; you are a healthy eater or you aren’t.  The fact of the matter is that the all or nothing attitude is not helping us to be healthier.  The judgment associated with all or nothing is “If you can’t do […]

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Ski Tips

The snow is starting to fly! Some ski areas in Colorado are already open.  Are you ready for ski season? Whether you are a super jock, a couch potato, or somewhere in between, there are some things that you should be doing to prepare for ski season.  The older we get the harder it is […]

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Breakin’ Down the Facts About Red Meat

Recently the media reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a statement regarding a possible link between processed and red meats and cancer. National Public Radio’s online headline read “Bad Day For Bacon: Processed Meats Cause Cancer, WHO Says”.  Here is what the statement really said. There is evidence to support the idea that […]

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Fidget Much?

You may have already heard that sitting is the new smoking. Perhaps you’ve wondered what that means?  It simply means that the risk of dying younger and being less healthy that has long been attributed to smoking is now being applied to sitting on your 6 all day. Even if you are a world class exerciser, […]

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To Eat or Not To Eat

Food is one of my favorite subjects. I love to eat it, smell it, think about it, and talk about it. I’ve noticed that much of the conversation around food revolves around what one should or should not eat to be healthy. Often, I think information about the whys of good eating is far more […]

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