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Posts Tagged With ‘ insomnia ’


Idiopathic—It’s Gonna Be Weird

February 12th, 2019
Idiopathic poster

I have a special place for broken-down clowns in my broken-down heart. A few years ago, I concluded that the dude I was hanging out with for months was never going to actually ask me out on a date and I would need to take matters into my own hands. I invited him to be my escort to the Boulder Fringe Festival. I picked him up wearing lipstick, a fancy sundress embroidered with chevrons, and beaded sandals. He wore cargo shorts, flip-flops, and a t-shirt he got for free at a software conference. I felt super special. We spent almost an hour watching a silent clown make his musical way through the... Read More

Sleepless? Know The Facts About Sleep Water

August 23rd, 2018
Insomnia_Sleep Water

Sleep is incredibly important to our well-being.  It is the time we heal from illness or injury, the opportunity to re-charge our brain and re-build muscle after a workout – it is critical to our health and well-being. Insomnia is defined as a persistent problem falling and staying asleep. Insomnia is often related to physical conditions like hyperthyroidism, peri-menopause and low back pain, or a state of stress like anxiety. If you suffer from chronic insomnia, it’s important to address the underlying reason instead of treating the symptom. If, however, you have an occasional problem with... Read More