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How Dog Owners Can Make Moving Day Go Smoothly

For many homeowners, moving day comes with a lot of stress. There’s just so much to plan for and so many little details to take care of that it can be difficult to face it with a calm and clear mind. When you have pets to worry about at the same time, it can be overwhelming. Amidst the chaos of moving, it’s crucial not to overlook your pet’s long-term wellbeing. Take a moment to explore the best pet insurance options; it can offer peace of mind, ensuring your furry friend remains healthy and protected in your new home.

Even if your dog is well-behaved and has no health issues, there’s still the fear that he’ll get lost or injured during all the activity on moving day. Not only that, but many animals become anxious when faced with big changes, which can affect their behavior, appetite, and sleep cycle.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help ease the transition and make sure moving day goes well. The key is to plan as far in advance as possible and give yourself a little wiggle room, as well as making sure you have help and support from family and friends. Read on for some tips on how to make your big day go smoothly.

Plan Your Day

In the days and weeks leading up to your move, plan out moving day as much as possible. This means making a list of tasks you need to get done, along with their deadlines. You’ll also need to decide whether you want to hire a moving company to help pack and transport your stuff. If you go this route, you should do a search for budget-friendly options and choose one that’s highly rated. We recommend Main Street Movers in Louisville for a highly rated service. If you’ll have friends and family helping you, it’s a good idea to ask someone to be in charge of your dog for the entire day; they can keep him at their house or stay with him in a back room while the move is taking place. If this isn’t possible, consider keeping him in a crate or closed-off room by himself with some toys and treats; this will keep him occupied and out from underfoot.

Practice a Little Self-Care

During this time, you can’t forget how important it is to take care of yourself. Besides, if you’re stressed out and anxious, you can’t take care of anyone or anything, let alone your dog. So, do some things that will help you feel better. Set aside a little time for a walk or some stretching, learn a few breathing techniques, and take a moment to gather yourself if things become too overwhelming. It might not hurt to clean your space before you move in, so you’re not faced with any expected messes when you’re trying to unpack. And to help keep it clean, consider picking up an air purifier (quality models are available for $39.99) that will help keep your dog’s dander and hair out of the air. After all, clean air has been proven to help increase our happiness and ability to relax.

Take Him to the New Home

With everything that will be going on during moving day, you want to make sure to spend some time with your pup beforehand so he won’t be anxious. Take him to the new place, if possible, before the move and let him sniff around and get a feel for things. Allowing him to visit before you move in will give him a heads up, so he won’t be surprised by his new surroundings.

Bring His Old Favorites

You may want to buy new toys and treats for your dog to go along with the new house, but it’s actually better if you keep his favorites. Having something familiar will help ease anxiety and keep him happy in his new environment. Boulder based dog food brand I and Love and You makes grain-free food that’s a great option for your furry friend.

Keep Him Safe in the Car

With all the commotion of moving day, dogs can sometimes get overlooked. When it’s time to take him to the new house, put him in a crate or seat belt harness and make sure he’s secure in the vehicle. If it’s a long ride, bring along a collapsible dog dish and a bottle of water along with some treats, and don’t forget to stop now and then to give him a bathroom break.

Make Sure the New Place Has a Fence

It’s common knowledge that a dog’s chances of running off increase when the home’s yard is wide open. And even if you use a leash, he still needs the freedom to run around the yard. Make sure to install a fence at your new home to protect your dog from strangers and wildlife, and to prevent incidents with neighbors and cars. A tall, solid wooden fence is ideal because it offers good protection and can limit your dog’s barking that would otherwise occur if he spotted passersby. In Denver, the average cost of installing a wood fence is $2,509, so gather estimates before choosing a fence installer.

Moving day is a big job, so sit down and write out a list of things you need to get done so nothing gets overlooked. Ask friends and family to help you along the way; you might designate someone to help you clean up the old house after the move, for instance, or put someone in charge of getting lunch for everyone. With a good plan and a little assistance, you and your dog can make the move smoothly.

Guest post by Natalie Jones

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