Saturday - February 15th, 2025

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Boulder County Issues Hopeful Letter to Residents

Boulder County Commissioners have issued a letter to residents offering to help those in need and instructions on self-care during the coronavirus epidemic.

As we face these extraordinary circumstances, it’s important to remember we’re a community – and that together, we will get through this difficult time in our lives caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Boulder County residents have a long and resilient history of working together through tough times, from wildfires to floods to economic recessions, and we will do so again as we have before.

While the impacts we’re experiencing now are different from recent disasters and traumas, the stress and strain on our everyday way of life will undoubtedly lead to feelings of uncertainty, anxiousness, and frustration – just as they have during past threats to our collective security and wellbeing.

And, while it’s clear that this new normal of social distancing will test our outward sense of community, now is not a time to panic. We need to be responsible, be prepared, and be compassionate with one another, particularly our neighbors who are the most vulnerable: older adults, people who already have health challenges, and individuals and families who have fewer resources to fall back on.

Our dedicated health experts at Boulder County Public Health and the State of Colorado have established a number of protective requirements for us all to heed. We appreciate your understanding of the need for – and for following – these strict and restrictive protective measures. These were hard, yet critical decisions to make:

  • Never before has it been more important to stop the spread of disease by keeping distance from others outside of your household as much as you can. Stay home if you are sick, minimize trips to the stores, avoid meetings in groups larger than 10 people, and keep a distance of at least six feet from other people whenever possible.
  • You’ve also heard the renewed calls to wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer if you’re unable to get to soap and water, and regularly clean frequently touched surfaces in your home, car, or office with a standard household cleaner.

We believe it is our responsibility – collectively – including those of us less at risk, to work together to prevent the transmission of the virus so that we don’t swamp our healthcare system, causing more Coloradans to get sick and possibly die, or prolong the economic hit to our community.
By acting together – now – we can lessen the impact of COVID-19 on Boulder County over time. We know this isn’t easy, but everything you are doing now with social distancing and preventing spread of the disease is critical to keeping your family and others safe, and to make our community more resilient.

Also, while county buildings are closed, we take seriously our role in continuing to serve Boulder County residents. We have compiled resources to explain the illness, give clarity to county operations and services available at this time, and to provide resources to our community members in need. Please visit the following pages to find more information:

These disruptions will continue for a while and will cause stress in our lives. We are so thankful for your sacrifice and willingness to help. Please be kind to one another and remember that others are also struggling. We have faced and overcome adversity before.

Together we can – and will – get through this.

Deb Gardner, Elise Jones, Matt Jones
Boulder County Commissioners

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