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Archive for November 2018

Interview with Colorado Book Award Finalist, Adam Houle

I was fortunate to meet Adam Houle when he came to read as a Finalist for the Colorado Book Award Finalist at Denver’s BookBar. Adam and I were introduced afterwards through mutual friends. I later reached out to Adam who happily consented to an interview for OnDenver. ADAM HOULE is the author of Stray (Lithic Press, 2017). His poems […]

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two young boys playing on their phones on a curbside.

iGen More Likely Than Other Generations To Be Depressed

A 2015 survey found that two out of three U.S. teens owned an iPhone. For this reason, the generation of kids born after 1995 is called iGen, coined by author Jean Twenge, author of a book on the subject. According to the Pew Research Center, smart phone ownership crossed the 50 percent threshold in late […]

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Moan Camping in the Colorado Fall

6 Reasons Why Moab is a Great Escape From Colorado Fall

Let’s face it Colorado is beautiful in the fall but for some, it just is not their favorite time to camp.  While most days are absolutely beautiful and make great camping weather some days see 40-degree swings between the highs and lows and it can get pretty damn chilly at night. Maybe you read my […]

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