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Archive for March 2016

Batman v. Superman v. Me

The age of the superhero arguably began in 1938,  when Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman. Slightly less than a year later, Bob Kane and Bill Finger devised Batman.  Both characters have passed their 75th anniversaries, and both of them have appeared in pretty much every entertainment medium. They have changed a great deal […]

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The Science Behind Coffee

Coloradoans love their coffee.  Our state has been identified as one of the top places to live if good coffee is important to you.  According to a July 2015 Gallup Poll, coffee consumption habits of Americans have remained relatively unchanged since 1999, with most people consuming slightly less than 3 cups per day.  Over the years, […]

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The Gummy Bear Diet

I was recently talking to someone close to me who is participating in a weight loss challenge at work.  The company hired a personal trainer to give each participant a plan to follow.  Apparently, there were some participants who didn’t like the calorie count of their food plan.  They were certain they needed only 1200 […]

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Original Vintage

One of the most annoying movie cliches is that of the Wise Elder. Like Chuck Norris, they exist in a constant state of alertness, waiting for the perfect moment to impart the wisdom of their years to some callow whippersnapper in need of a good old-fashioned life lesson. The Wise Elder has no inner life, […]

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Your Brain on Fitness

Being physically fit may impact your brain’s health and functionality.  A  recent study in Japan found that fitter, older men perform better mentally than less fit, older men.  The study revealed that the brains of fitter men solved problems the way younger brains do.  The prefontal cortex (PFC) is the part of the brain that […]

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The Bunker

All you really need to know about 10 Cloverfield Lane is that it’s an efficient and intelligent thriller. It works best if you just go into the theater cold. In fact, you should stop reading my review immediately, trust me, and go see it. Still here? If you’re hoping for a spoiler-riffic review, sorry, Sparky, it ain’t […]

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Length Matters for Your Longevity

Our genes are arranged along twisted, double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres, which protect our genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide, and hold some keys to how we age and get cancer. Telomeres keep chromosome ends from fraying and sticking […]

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Inside The Kabubble

Movies get made for two reasons, to make money and as a passion project. But here’s the thing, a movie made to turn a profit can be made with wit, intelligence and pride. Just look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Casino Royale, or The Lego Movie. On the flip side of that coin, films like The Passion […]

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The Unintended Consequences of Late Night Eating

So, you  eat a bowl of cereal during the Late Show.  No harm in that, right?  The answer may depend on how much of a habit late night eating is for you. Research says that eating snacks and meals late in the evening can lead to acid reflux, weight gain and even impaired memory and […]

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